Social Media & E-Marketing

Spend your time on economic development and let the Creative Team worry about whether Facebook has been updated. Our staff has expertise in blogging, newsletters, eblasts, and social media outreach. We can set up social media profiles and turn them over to your staff to maintain or keep them updated for you. Billye Carter, Technology and Marketing Specialist is certified in Internet Marketing and Social Media.

  • Social media strategy
  • Creation and/or maintenance of profiles in social media outlets
  • Newsletter and eblast design, creation, and maintenance in e-marketing program of choice
  • Format and post blogs to an existing blogging site and/or website
  • Contact database upload and maintenance in e-marketing program of choice
  • Content development or work in partnership with staff to develop content
  • Post economic development information to social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Google+
  • Lead Generation – Let our strategic partner, Applied Marketing, create a lead generation program for your social media outreach and other external marketing initiatives.

Creative Economic Development Consulting